Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tagged by Fizah

Ah ni da ape ni... I don't get this often, but I guess it's worth tryin', so here goes nothin...

RULE 1: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.

At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
No TAG backs!

1. DESPITE being the youngest in my family, I'm actually not the most manja amongst my siblings unlike what people think. That distinction belongs to my sister. Pompan perrr...

2. I'm not sure people don't know this, but I'm the proud uncle of 3 nephews via my siblings: Zulfikri, Zulhilmi and 'Aqil Zhafir.

3. I used to love to draw. As a 5 year old kid, I used to draw Robocop, fighter planes and helicopters, dinosaurs and MRT and SBS buses. I was as tall as the tires then, and I was always fascinated by how the hubcabs looked when the wheels moved. I enrolled in Yamaha Art School at Pasir Ris in K2. In secondary school I used to draw shoes and boots.

4. I once entered a Design-a-Boot competition held by adidas UK when I was in Sec 2. The prize was that adidas would make a pair of those boots done according to your design especially for you, and would bring you on a tour of adidas factories in Europe. I got shortlisted amongst the finalists! There was a campaign in VS last time to vote for my entry. Eventually I was disqualified because turns out the competition was open only to UK residents =(

5. I used to read up alot on dinosaurs and planes and missles, and could mouth them off e.g. Pachycephalosaurus, Deinonychus, Compsognathus, and their facts as a 5-year-old. My childhood ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force like my distant cousin and former Aksi Mat Yoyo alumni, Lieutenant-Colonel Zakir (Abang Zakir).

6. I almost became a fighter pilot last year. I passed my psychomotor computer test, my interview somewhere around May last year with a Colonel, a Captain, and a woman psychologist who grilled me on my problems (at that time it involved a certain girl), and actually passed. And I even signed a pre-contract! But somehow, after I went for the medical, they didn't get back to me after that. Even today.

7. My dad told me that as a 3 year old, there was one time when I was stark naked and sitting on his lap as he was reading me a storybook about Cinderella. Apparently I asked,

'Ayah ayah, kenapa Cinderella tak pakai baju macam Hitam?' (I was pelat then)

'Pasal Cinderella tahu malu, bukan macam Hikam, no shame' came the reply.

8. When warning me against being too playful and waking me up to the realities of life after one poor performance during my school exams as a 14-year-old, my dad told me that one of his friends had actually enquired about my availability as a future son-in-law for his daughter, and apparently wanted to 'chope' me, because according to him I was supposedly 'smart' and 'handsome' and have a 'good family and religious background', but my dad refused. And he refused to divulge as to whom this friend was, in order not to make me feel awkward. Till this day I don't know who it is.

9. I am 1/8 Chinese.

10. I had an operation when I was 15 on my right thigh bone, to remove a dormant virus which got inside the bone apparently through a stress fracture which I didn't know I had, probably caused by playing too much football in Sec 1 and 2. This caused me to be on crutches for more than a month, causing my right leg to waste and shrink almost to the bone, while my left leg became super-muscular due to it supporting my entire body weight. A few months of hydro and physiotherapy later, I was going against doctor's orders and playing football again. Which actually helped to build up my muscles again, so there was some good there.

11. Alhamdulillah I have been on Umrah twice =) once as a 10 year old, once as a 15 year old. The first time round, I managed to struggle and cling on to the Kaabah cloth tight amidst pushing and shoving by giant Arabs in my determination to kiss the Heavenly Stone located at one corner of the Kaabah. Miraculously, a Turk appeared out of nowhere, forced his way through, and pulled my head down towards the stone, such that both me and my father managed to kiss and smell a bit of Heaven's fragrance. To this day I am certain Allah helped me to gain that experience. The 2nd time around, my dad went with the intention to mintak petunjuk as to how to deal with my leg problem, after which he got the inspiration or suratan to send me for the operation above.

12. I am actually the 5th child. Or I might not even have existed today. Because my mom's first child was lost when a truck reversed into her and she collapsed beneath it while heavily pregnant and walking through a carpark. Left with the dilemma of trying to save the baby at the risk of my mother's life, my dad made the choice to save my mother's life, so that they can try again. Till this day, they shed a tear for their unborn child whenever I ask them about it, and I have learnt not to ask them about it. Inalillahiwainnailaihirrajiun.

13. I underwent a pembersihan and buka aura course when I was 18, and learnt about and experienced the metaphysical world, force and energies which made me realize that there's an entire world out there the Western world is not privy to, as what I have experienced is classified as teknologi Al-Qur'an and ijazah handed down from guru to student. It totally converted me from being a skeptic to one who's opened his mind.

14. As a 5-6 year old kid, my brothers being 8 and 9 years older than me respectively, used to fling and throw me around my sister's Queen-sized bed and also to practice their wrestling moves and played rough. They also used to kick around a football with me and that's a big reason why I picked up football at the age of 5. At the same time, my sister, being the only girl amongst my siblings, she used to make me play Barbie dolls with her, and cut-out paper dolls with dresses, and host tea parties with her dolls. And oh. Polly Pocket too.

15. A big reason why I listen to such rock and metal music is because as a kid, my brothers who were in their teens then used to watch MTV, which at that time was playing alot of rock and metal such as Guns N' Roses, Megadeth, RHCP, Firehouse and whatnot. However, I do listen to abit or R & B and hiphop now and then, and give me a beautiful Disney soundtrack anyday as I absolutely love them.

I tag... jengjengjeng!

If you're reading this, I tag Hikmah, KD, Nis, Wahyu and Bil. Heh.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Brazil-Argentina? Or smtg else...?

This is an actual advertising poster for the build-up to the Brazil-Argentina football game.

Do you see Brazil and Argentina? Or do u see something else? 0_0
Somehow I can't imagine these being placed on any public wall in sterilised Singapore. Haha

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nur Insyirah's Ceremony

On 060708 (nice number eh?) my baby niece Nur Insyirah had her inaugural 'Majlis Cukur Rambut' done as part of our Muslim rites for a newborn. Cutiepie is the mirror image cut-and-paste of her mother, Kak Syai seh. And bearing in mind that tomorrow 20072008 (nice number eh?) is 'Aqil's turn to have his trimming of hair ritual, I figure now would be a good time to release some photos from Insyirah's ceremony before it's too late. Heh. Enjoy my 2 dear babies!

What are you doing taking my picture, huh?
His passport photo with the picture above. His birthday is the day after mine!!! 0_0A closer look
Rambut macam Uncle IkamMacam Eskimo
Macam Popeye
Ni cousins ker siblings ni?
...or twins? Tido pon posing together-gether 0_0Sekarang boleh uh sleep together-gether. In a few years... ah jaga dia. Tak dapat uh!
'Aqil and Insyirah's shoes? No, socks
Doesn't seem well pleased does he? =(
Abang Zulhilmi kisses 'Aqil. Only to pinch him after that tak pasal-pasal haha
Tido tonggeng makes me wanna smacketh that fat Pampers-ed baby bontot of his with a loud 'Pok!'
Eastshore Hospital's Certificate on the day he was born
Mama Mahani and Wan Shidah

Friday, July 18, 2008

Budak Neraka...


Kemungkinan besar anda telah mendengar atau menerima berita tentang sesuatu kejadian aneh yang baru berlaku di awal minggu ini, yang telah menyebabkan fenomena seakan histeria massa, atau 'mass hysteria' di antara kalangan anak-anak Adam. Seandainya... andaikata... jikalau... misalannya... anda lemah hati, atau tidak sanggup mengalami atau mendengar tentang kejadian-kejadian aneh, anda diawasi supaya berhenti membaca artikel ini. Bagi mereka pula yang teguh hati serta kuat semangat, anda disilakan bersama saya dalam perjalanan untuk menyiasat kejadian tersebut, serta akibat yang tersurat dan tersirat yang bakal berlaku.

Inilah kisah seorang budak dari Neraka yang telah baru sahaja dikemukakan kepada dunia ini dan menjadi berita terhangat bukan sahaja di dunia Barat, malah menggemparkan dunia sejagat. Kewujudan makhluk ini telah menyebabkan perbincangan dan perbicaraan yang teramat hangat, serta menimbulkan semacam perasaan seram serta ngeri, dengan paras rupanya yang aneh serta menggerunkan dan adanya dua batang tanduk di atas kepalanya yang telah menyebabkan perbandingan dibuat antara makhluk aneh tersebut dengan Syaitan Laknatullah.

Kisahnya dikatakan bahawa makhluk ini sudah wujud di dunia kita sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, kemungkinan selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun, dan telah dipelihara oleh seorang manusia lelaki di negara Amerika Syarikat semenjak makhluk itu masih kecil lagi. Mengapa lelaki tersebut mengambil keputusan untuk membela dan memelihara makhluk yang dikatakan bukan haiwan dan sudah tentu bukan manusia tidak diketahui, tetapi para ahli psikologi telah menduga bahawa lelaki tersebut telah berlaku sedemikian akibat timbulnya perasaan perikemanusiaan dan kasihan terhadap makhluk tersebut yang pada waktu itu sedang masih bayi lagi.
Makhluk tersebut, yang kini digelar secara tidak rasmi sebagai 'Budak Neraka', bukan sahaja menjadi bahan kata-kata antara manusia sejagat. Malah ada juga beberapa makhluk aneh lain yang telah disaksikan oleh segelintir manusia dan menjadi bahan dugaan sama ada mereka ada kena mengena dengan kewujudan 'Budak Neraka' tersebut. Makhluk yang paling sering sekali dilihat di kawasan timbulnya 'Budak Neraka' itu adalah seekor makhluk yang jika sekali imbas dilihat mata bermirip manusia, namun pendapat saksi-saksi tersebut semuanya bersetuju bahawa kulit makhluk itu berwarna biru biru-hijau, serta mempunyai rupa kulit seakan sisik ikan. Makhluk tersebut juga telah dikatakan mempunyai sepasang mata besar hitam bagaikan mata makhluk dari angkasa lepas yang dikaitkan dengan fenomena UFO di dunia Barat.

Sejak kebelakangan ini, masyarakat awam dinasihati supaya buat bertendang dan tidak mengambil tindakan yang luar biasa. Para Ulama juga telah membuat pengumuman yang mengatakan bahawa manusia dilarang merasakan takut terhadap makhluk tersebut, kerana ianya hanya makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Seandainya manusia berasa takut terhadap makhluk-makhluk tertentu seperti ular, harimau, buaya dan sebagainya, itu adalah perkara biasa kerana haiwan-haiwan tersebut adalah merbahaya dan perasaan takut dibunuh atau disimbar oleh haiwan-haiwan tersebut adalah biasa dan merupakan salah satu naluri manusia. Namun, jikalau perasaan takut timbul karena paras rupa atau takut kepada makhluk Tuhan tanpa sebab, amat berdosa dan diharamkan.
Di bawah ini terdapat beberapa gambar yang telah berjaya dipetik oleh para saksi. Jika anda lemah hati, atau tidak sanggup melihat perkara yang menggerunkan, anda dinasihati supaya jangan melihat gambar-gambar berikut.


'Budak Neraka'

'Budak Neraka' menggenggam Pistol Sakti

'Budak Neraka' menggerunkan ahli kamera

'Orang Ikan'

'Orang Ikan' berpakaian 'glamour' kelihatan di sisi 'Budak Neraka' bersama dengan Seorang Gadis Manis


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Puma King!

Hala my new Puma V5.06! I think I pulled off the coup of the year with this one.

As you all know by know, I just bought a brand-new pair of red Nike Mercurial Steam's a couple of months back. So why would I need another pair? Well guess what?

I got no idea.

I was in Tampines Mall when I spotted this Puma sale going on at the 1st floor, and prices were going so cheap it's nuts! This pair was actually priced at $39.90, but there was an offer for two pairs of shoes at $60++ which I took, so the price of this boot came to about approximately $30? Baik uh! I just couldn't resist.

Actually I wanted this boot in mottled grey colour, but the last remaining pair on offer is one size too big for me =( The boot is super-lightweight, suitable for a speedy winger like me, and the upper is made up of some quilted synthetic fabric. The end result is an ultra-thin top layer for better 'feel' of the ball, but 1x good step on my foot and I'll confirm + chop + sign be going 'ADOI!' 0_0

You may notice that the boot is in matte finish compared to the Mercurials, and that's because partly it's fabric and lacks the glossy finish present on the Mercurial's latex-like finish. The 'gloss' is actually a coating to help keep the ball under better control, but in wet and wild... i mean, in wet and rainy conditions, the control can get rather wonky. Therefore I'll be using the Puma for rainy weather, while the Mercurials will be used for for dry/normal weather. Forca Zulhikam!

Sometimes I feel like a girl when it comes to football gear.

The colour scheme I wanted

The colour scheme I bought

Asymmetrical side-lacing system for more 'ball-kicking' area at the front of the foot

Cloth fabric is light, but offers little protection for me from being stomped on the foot =(

The Puma leaps

The Puma's Claws

Brutal studs for brutal grip for a Brutal Stud =)

This is the only view opponents will get of me most of the time as I go past them

A true Predator.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Han's cock?

Awww man, I slept at 3+ am today (don't ask me why) and I woke up feeling decidedly wonky (don't ask about this either). But I gotta get my butt off the this bed 'cos today I'm gonna watch me some... Hancock.

Feeling decidedly concussed, I ended up meeting a mate of mine some 10 mins late. But it's okay, I'm not angry (haha) and we soon bought tickets to see Hancock because apparently someone doesn't know what's Hellboy and doesn't even know there's a Batman movie out! 0_0 !!! THE SACRILEGE.

And yeah, despite the critical acclaim (more like criticism than critical) by the professional box-office seat potatoes, Hancock is actually a decent movie. Will Smith does an incredible job playing the drunkard hero-that-wasn't, and it's actually quite funny to see him stone-faced (stim-faced?) 24/7 and bungling himself into situations to rescue people. Rescue eh. Rescue habis nye.

And Charlize Theron is incredibly sexy.

I mean, what kinda wife turns out in back-baring and cleavage-showing dresses in front of guys other than their husbands? She was asking for it uh!

And and... one particularly brilliant scene saw a poor ole sod having his head stuffed up this gay-looking botak bear of a man's ass! Poor sod ended up having to wear a neck brace... err something like mine's... and Gayboy had his exit route swollen and sore. HAHAHA. Like Clarence Boddicker said in Robocop, "I got enough muscle to shove enough of this factory so far up your stupid wop ass, you’ll sh*t snow for a year!" Haha. Brilliant.

Evening was spent at Marina Bay watching the aerial performance by the Black Knights and also, the exhilarating fireworks display. Beautiful. And and... Raspberry Frappe under the bridge by the riverside was brilliant too.

And what's up with me bumping into people I know whenever I go out??? I met Izzudin, my VS junior and currently an Army Lieutenant, 2 ex-recruits whom I don't recognize but they were shouting 'Platoon Sergeant Zul!' so therefore must have been my ex-recruits, Syaqir who had his arm wrapped around his new girlfriend I suppose, my abang Beg Mal's pal whom I also regularly play football with, and even this guy whom I don't even know nor recognize yet sapa-ed me at Long John Silver's! That makes it 6 people I bumped into in one outing. LIKE ZOMG. Freakazoid man.

And I wanna watch Batboy and Hellman!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008



That's my immediate 'feel' right now. 3 days in a row I've been waking up at 0530, and on two of the days I've been on duty due to some poor planning of duties by people who plan duties. ARGH.

Anyway part of the reason also is because after a hard day's work, I've been putting in some hours doing my own night training, belatedly I guess, considering that I've got to clear my 2nd-year IPPT (that's the adult equivalent of NAPFA to you schooling peeps) soon. So I've been doing some work in the gym and doing some strength training.

So after gym yesterday (I was bastard-ized by my gym buddy who failed to turn up -_-'' ) I ran up the stairs to join the boys for some badminton. Ahh there's a game I haven't played since... I don't know, 2 years ago? Anyhoo, I had to get back to badminton sharpness... I felt my touch was sloppy at times... but I still managed to kick Nabil's butt!!! Hahaha. But in fairness, there was loud music blasting and half the time he was dancing around in court, so... kasi muka la eh. Haha.

Despite all this, I've yet to start my running. And to think in about one month's time I'm gonna be taking part in the Army Half-Marathon (AHM) 0_0 !!! A full 21km, I haven't run anything like that before in my life, and one more month to the actual thing and I haven't even clocked up my mileage! GAH.

The last time I ran anything so extreme... and indeed, was the furthest I've ever run... is the 10km needed to attain my Combat Skills Badge last year. The requirement was to run 10km below 60mins, and I managed to clock 48mins, in 7th position (my fav no.!) with time to spare. But then again, that was when I was still a trainee, and in my absolute prime. Hee. Now... da nak ORD all... urm. The less said the better.

My body aches! =(

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Of Bikes & Babies

Something extraordinary happened today.

I boarded bus No. 15 to Comfort Driving Centre for my bike practical, and with the seats being full I stood, armed with yesterday's copy of The New Paper. Well that's all fine and dandy. Until we passed by Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu. And suddenly THE BUS JAM-BRAKED AT SPEED WITHOUT WARNING AND CAME TO A SCREECHING HALT PAST THE RED TRAFFIC LIGHT! All the standing passengers were practically thrown to the floor, amidst cries and gasps of shock. Me too, unsuspecting, engrossed in a world of music thru my earphones and having only one hand nominally touching the seat handle, found myself thrown to the floor tangled with the passenger beside me. I knocked my shin against the platform, and still dazed, I found myself being helped up by a young teen lady who grabbed me, held my arms and helped me up. I said my thanks and gave her a smile, and turned my attention to the driver, who was now frantically apologising to the entire bus and asking if everybody's alright. That was a freaky experience. I was surprised the passengers seemed to be quite forgiving, knowing Singaporeans.

After which I had my first my bike prac... in a very, very long time. And it kinda showed on the circuit =(

I was abit disoriented when I went to prac, probably because I slept at 3+am yest and had to wake up at 8+am for lesson at 1020am. However, when I went to register, I discovered that my lesson actually was for 1225pm, and I had looked at the wrong date on the receipt. Slengfeng me! Instead of looking at the column for 060708, I looked at 070608, on which date I had registered a lesson at the aforementioned 1020am. Belo seh. I had to beg the instructor to allow me to attend the earlier session because I had to attend Kak Syai's majlis cukur rambut for her daughter Insyirah later on, to which thankfully he agreed.

To which I proceeded to take Tag No. 7 and bike No. 17.

And my bike handling sucketh. Having not handled a bike for 2 months, I was nervously fingering the controls. Lucky my muscle memory came to the rescue and I managed to get myself around safely.

Soon after I hopped on bus No. 87 and headed for Sengkang and Compassvale, to Kak Syai's house. Insyirah is sooo cute! The only time I've had the chance to hold her and kiss her was on the day she was born, and that was far too early a time to see her real features. And alahh alahh she's so... delicate. And tender. And and... fragile. Maklumlah, baby girl. Even at that age, I could feel a real difference between handling 'Aqil and Insyirah. 'Aqil has a more 'solid' feel, more urm 'mampat', his legs and neck are relatively strong, and with the necessary due care to be taken when handling a baby, I practically just grab him. Like yesterday, after coming home, when I saw El Cutiepie 'tido tonggeng', I just had to smacketh his Pampers-ed baby bottom, which err caused him to wake up. Heh. But with Insyirah... awww she's so delicate and soft I was all tensed up when I carried her, afraid that after having 3 nephews, I might be a little rough for a baby girl. A real lady indeed.

I wanna watch Hancock!!! =)

Plus, who's on to go the Search concert with me? I'm looking for kakis. The more the better! =)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wak Din, Wak Din...

I had pretty much nothing planned for today, till somewhere around noon I received a call from Hikmah asking me to go with her and some other cousins to the NDP Preview Show today. So of course I decided to go,it's not often you get to attend the NDP show, even if its *Simulated* (NDP inside joke). And whaddyaknow, someone menyebok decided to go for the NDP show too! ~O_o at Fizah~

So I dressed myself in a red Man Utd (Champions League Final edition!) jersey with a white Nike 3/4 track bottom, and left my house. And no Fizah, I ain't gonna wear pink just so to make it easier for you to spot me in the crowd eh. Tsk. And oh, Hikmah and Syuhaidah pulled out at the last-minute so I ended up going with just Kak Muni and her fiance.

I was in the green section of the seats, and it took the crowd some time to warm up and get going. The parade this time round particularly interests me, not only because now being in the army I'm more aware of drill and parade protocol, but also because the Parade Sergeant-Major this time around is none other than my ex-Officer Commanding at Delta Company (toot-toot tarik ke one-two!) when I was in SISPEC, Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Shamsuddin. In other words, Wak Din. So this is the result of all the times he went missing during our weekend trainings last year as a result of 'National Duty' as the Reserve Parade Sergeant-Major of NDP 07. And seeing my former instructors at SISPEC paying tribute to him in his video introduction made me laugh. DEFINITELY wayang-ing for the public. Haha NO WAY is he so fondly spoken of by those under him. I seem to remember my instructors shoot off a few choice words whenever we mention his name. I would know. I was from his company. Haha. Wak Din, Wak Din.

MWO Shamsuddin aka Wak Din

The Black Knights also deserve a mention. For the first time that I can recall, they not only performed the traditional *Bomb Burst* salute, but also performed aerobatics, and hearts almost came to a standstill when the 2 planes flew by each other. Good job Black Knights. Maybe they should show how the F-16 engages one another in a dogfight next? Hmmm.

Alas, that was abt the only interesting part of NDP for me personally, save maybe for the fireworks at the end. Once nightfall came, and the shows started, with all the floats and lighting, it was kind of a mentally trying time for me. I was never one to understand all these New-Age artsy-fartsy stuffs. I am after all, a military man. Even my cousin's fiance, who hails from Malaysia, ooh-ed and aah-ed in appreciation of everything on parade so far... until it came to the night shows. And then even he admitted it was 'torturous' having to sit through all the dances and such. Haha.

Overall, I think the NDP this year is gonna be a resounding success. Though I worry about the malfunctioning/missing transparent screen on which they projected the holographs (holographs?), plus several parts of the transparent screen also showed glitches. Also, I saw 2 amongst the flag party who weren't in the same 'Senang Diri' position as the rest, and also people marching out of time and 'Hentak Kaki-ing' out of sync. However, I believe all this will be sorted out.

And oh.

There were cheerleaders!!! =) =) =)

Friday, July 4, 2008


Today I spent practically the whole day at the 100m range, to clear one of the requirements for me to ORD in 4 (FOUR/EMPAT/SE/ARBA'A) MONTHS TIME =) The idea was for me to hit at least 22 out of the 28 possible shots, in order to attain a marksman badge, even if we don't get the $100 prize money this time around.

So everything went all fine and dandy... initially. I zero-ed my weapon, tuned it finely, and got my my initial 8 practice rounds all on target, better than many of my fellow commanders. That got my confidence up, a great start, and I got a little bit cocky inside my head.

BUT... when it came to crunch time, for the day shoot, I only hit 8/16 on target, needing 14 overall to pass! =( =( =( I had thought that having hit all my practice rounds on target, and being placed in Detail 7, Lane 7... as u all know, 7 is my favourite number, and it seemed to me like very good omens... I had thought that all these would point to a very good outing for me, but it was not to be. I missed even basic giveaway shots =( =( =( There goes my marksman, for now it was mathematically impossible to hit the magic number 22.

Night shoot provided a near-scare for me, as I missed 5 shots, and ended up scoring 7/12 shots. This meant that I passed, but man! I was so disappointed to miss out on my Marksmanship, I had an upset face on that is rather usually seen on girls who are menstrual =/

Oh well. Now I'm trying to push for Combat Shoot day, where another opportunity to attain the marksmanship badge and $100 is up for grabs. Wish me luck! =)