Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hikam tertipus!

I spent something like 4 hours alone doing sentry duty. That sucks! Especially when you've got to keep a lookout for pesky HQ personnel trying to do secret training inspections, while trying not to get caught with your helmet's off and playing PSP. Grrr.

Went to Bunker Mess for so-called Happy Hour cum ORD function.

Trevor said he saw my ORD plaque. LIKE FINALLY! I'm gonna be getting my ORD plaque!!!

But in the end, none of us received it. That sucks. There's nothing much worse than building up the anticipation only to be bastardized. Huh. Hikam tertipus!

Tomorrow's the re-16km route march, and I'm detailed to go. Sucks many many.

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